Le Moulin de Graffeuil
French Carp Fishing at its best

If you require more information on any aspect of what we do here at the Moulin or you wish to inquire about availability, please do not hesitate to ask.
Most initial inquiries are dealt with through e-mail but if you wish to talk to one of us in person then please call on one of the numbers below.
We check our telephone, e-mails, Facebook and blog several times a day so we do get back to people quite quickly.
There is an answer machine on the Moulin number which is in English (Helen) and then in French. If you are unsure just wait for the French lady to stop speaking and after the beep leave a message as normal.
We do return calls as soon as we are able.
Direct contact with Tony and Helen at the lake:
Via e-mail at: moulindegraf@hotmail.co.uk
Via Facebook at: www.facebook.com/le-moulin-de-graffeuil
Via telephone at: Home 0033 (0)555 486974
Mobile 0033 (0)638813654
Via Simon our UK based representative:
Via telephone at: Home 01980 654972
Mobile 07474 578578
Via e-mail at: fish.uk@ntlworld.com